Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hack Orkut Account Password

Hack Orkut Account Password

Have you forgotten how to log into your Orkut account? There is a program called Hack Orkut Password that will allow you to reset the password of your Orkut account simply by entering in the accounts email address or profile url! This program is to be used to reset the password of your account, the account of a friend who has given you permission, or a child of yours to keep an eye on them. If you use it for a purpose other than this you will be responsible for your own actions.

To download this software, please read more:

To get started, you’ll have to download the Hack Orkut Password program here. Once you have downloaded the program, start it up. It should be pretty straight forward; however, this is how it works. Enter in the accounts user name or the Orkut profile URL into the first box. Then, enter the new password and verify it. You may wonder, why am I verifying it if I could simply run the program again if I mistype it. That’s true, but much more time consuming. It’s there to make sure you get it right the first time. Once you have entered in all of the information, hit the change button. This will connect to the Orkut database and change the password for you.

That’s all there is to it. Make sure you use this program in a responsible way. I am not to be blamed for anything you may do with this program. Your friends and family probably wouldn’t be too happy if they found out that you hack their Orkut password so only use this with permission or make sure you cover your tracks I suppose.


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